Friday, March 23, 2012

Shut up!

Okay, just a short post because I've had 2 hours sleep the past 2 nights, since I've been at my daughter Alex's house with her newborn.

I say SHUT UP. Actually I'm THINKING worse words, (think Shut the Front Door) but I will keep it clean because that's what we're supposed to do. But I'm really SO sick and tired of the left blaming Rush Limbaugh for absolutely everything (they think) is wrong with the world. Today, they are blaming him for the murder of Trayvon in Florida... Go figure... The problem is that they don't even listen to Rush, because if you do, you learn that he, in fact, is NOT racist. As a matter of fact his right-hand man is Bo Snerdley - an African-American man, a man of color. But they blamed Rush for the Oklahoma City bombings and pretty much everything else because he's hugely popular, and they are frustrated with that, and they REALLY want to bring him down. We've learned this week that Media Matters has been waiting for a flap with him to bring him down and start a false boycott of his advertisers.
These evil doers (as W used to call them) will stop at nothing....