Friday, March 16, 2012

"This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave."

Something has changed... it's like the earth tilted on it's axis... I can't explain it, but something changed.

Two weeks ago when I heard that Andrew Breitbart was dead, I got a sickening feeling that wouldn't go away. And I didn't see many people talking about it in the media. Yes, the top conservative radio hosts did -- Rush, Sean and Glenn, but definitely Big Media was strangely silent. Here was a man that helped bring down ACORN and Anthony Wiener, and at the CPAC convention had baited that on March 1st he was coming out with videotapes that would vet the president. And then, just after midnight on that VERY DAY, March 1st, walking home from a bar, Andrew Breitbart collapsed and died. Here was a man who was fearless, who had been told by many to get a bodyguard, and was now dead at the young age of 43. Breitbart was known to have some non-threatening heart issues, and it is possible that it was natural causes, but the timing is very suspect...
My ears perked up that day I heard the news and Big Media said he died of "natural causes." Really? The autopsy hadn't even been done yet. And the toxicology results are still not available as I write this. Besides, I don't believe in coincidences. Was he murdered? Well, there are tons of people that hated him... He lived in the middle of Los Angeles and had dissed Hollywood types a lot. He brought down ACORN. And there are a ton of haters in the blogosphere. But I don't hear about anyone investigating it. There is just silence. Strange silence. If the same thing had happened to a leading liberal, it's all we would be hearing about. And ironically, that's the sort of thing Breitbart was fighting...
I found myself wanting to connect with others with the same suspicions that I have. I did the same thing in the late 90's when the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal broke. I started listening to Rush Limbaugh, looking for like-minded people. I had a Twitter account that was dormant, but decided to start looking for Breitbart lovers and fellow Tea Party patriots, to see what they were saying. No one is accusing anyone of anything, because we really don't know. I doubt we ever will. I just know that Breitbart's death, whether by natural causes or not, has had the opposite effect of what the liberals would want it to.
It has pissed us off. It has woken up the sleeping giant. And it has given us the resolve that we will fight to save the country we love so dear, just as he did.
We want to restore the country to the ideals we were founded on-- life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And we want to stop those (morally and legally) who are trying to limit our freedoms, unlike the liberals who, as Breitbart said himself in his book, "Righteous Indignation," believe the means always justifies the end.
Are the liberals on Twitter too? You bet they are, and I have no problem with that. I respect their freedom of speech, although they don't seem to respect mine -- that old double standard they hold so dear.
The Twitterverse is a place to have a conversation about whatever we want whenever we want. It's a place to use our freedom of speech about our freedom of speech. Breitbart devotees have an 'army' quietly forming to fight in the arena of ideas.
Come join...