Wednesday, March 28, 2012


A sad personal post... Our beloved yorkie, Toto, was viciously attacked today and later died. DD is still sobbing...
When we got home, I took him out to the alley as I always did to go to the bathroom. He went down a few houses to a neighbor that had 4-5 big lab mix dogs. Before I knew it, one of them had jumped at the fence, & knocked a slat a loose, creating an opening big enough for part of his head. Toto was right there and as I tried to grab him, one of those dogs got their head in through the hole, grabbed his neck & sucked him in their yard. Then they started a feeding frenzy on my poor tiny dog...

I climbed the fence & was screaming non-stop for help like a maniac, all while helplessly watching my dog be viciously attacked. I tried to grab a big rock to throw at the dog, but I missed but it was futile since no one came to help, the dogs were in pack mentality and they were all huge.
When they finished, I ran to the front door of this homeowner, thinking they must not be home, since I had screamed for help at least 10 minutes. Incredibly they WERE there, and although said they heard nothing, this was physically impossible...
Toto was barely alive so I ran home & then tried to find a vet that would answer since it was after hours. All this time DD was screaming, and the vet's didn't even answer the emergency numbers. Finally we found a young female vet who would meet us and when we got there, he had blood coming from his mouth & bottom. She thought he could be paralyzed and said he was in shock and we would see how deep the wounds were. He died 30 minutes later...
My daughter has been sobbing for hours. The house is so silent.. No barking. No pitter patter.
Goodbye sweet Toto, our hearts ache...