Saturday, December 3, 2011

"Marching to the beat of a different drummer..."

Seems Travel & Leisure Magazine has come up with a list of towns that are quirky, offbeat and strange. #1 is New Orleans - always been known to be very unique. #2 is Santa Fe, where my family went every summer for many years. Mmmm, I can still smell the pinon in my mind... #3 is Austin, where we go almost every weekend, and yes, it does march to beat of a different drummer. #4 is Portland, where it is claimed that you see "more moustaches than in a 1970's high school yearbook." Ha! I definitely need to visit there then, since as you may well know if you have been reading my blog for very long - I DO love moustaches.

Funny to me, is that Dallas came in dead last as the city was ranked as the LEAST offbeat in the entire U.S. This is SO true - after having lived there for several years, it is a city where you have to have the latest clothes and the latest car and the tightest skin, or you are pond scum.
But then, I'm kind of quirky...