Sunday, December 25, 2011

"Entrance into heaven is not at the hour of death, but at the moment of conversion."

If you are reading this blog, then may I wish many, many blessings upon you and your family. I wish you wonderful Christmas' every year and a wonderful life. And may I share with you the best gift of all - peace. Peace in your heart. Peace that only comes through knowing the Creator, and I mean REALLY knowing Him. Not just some scary pie-in-the-sky, but the One who loves you more than anyone else. The one who loved you so much, that He gave you a gift and all you have to do is accept that gift. You see, Adam and Eve disobeyed Him in the beginning, and humans lost that gift with that disobedience at that time. From that point on, sacrifices had to be made, and our sins were atoned for the year until the next annual remembrance. Laws had to be followed. But then, about 2,000 years ago, God sent His son, Yeshua (Jesus) who was the Messiah that had been prophesied about. Only His son could reconcile humans to God, and He came willingly, knowing what He had to do. He became the ultimate sacrifice. HE was the lamb. His blood was shed. He willingly went to the cross and died for our sins. Our part? We accept the gift. He died in our place. We deserved the punishment but He took it for us. And when we accept that gift, then we "die" with him and become a new person. His blood washes away our sins. His word says He stands at the door and knocks but you have to let Him in. He never forces you, it's your choice.

And after we accept the gift? We walk with him. We follow His commandments. His word says that that's how we know if we are His followers, if we obey His commandments. Will we be perfect? No. So when we mess up, we ask for His forgiveness. And not only to confess (agree with Him that we messed up and didn't follow His commandments) but we also "repent" which was a military term that meant an "about face." It meant to turn the other way - like do a 180 degree turn. It meant to get back on the right path. And finally, the secret is this. Jesus said when He was raised up from the dead, and met with His disciples, He told them and whoever else would listen to wait there in the upper room, and He was going to send the Comforter. He was going to send the third part of the Godhead (Father, Son and Holy Spirit.) It's like this - we, as humans, are body, mind and spirit just like God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Think of it like H2O - liquid, ice and steam. Anyway, He sent the Holy Spirit to give those who waited the POWER. He gives us the POWER to live for Him - we have to ask Him to come in and help us. We will get this power when we are "sold out" for God. That means we aren't just giving Him Sunday, or we aren't just giving him part of ourselves - we give Him all. And when you do this, not only will you get the benefit of going to heaven some day, you will start living with Him here. I hope you accept the gift. I hope you understand today, the day we celebrate the Messiah's birth, that His gift is for whoever will accept it.
And it's for eternity....