Monday, December 5, 2011

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned..."

Well, as you know by now, Herman Cain is toast. After the last accusation, he became toast, and everybody knew it. There are just way too many women saying things about this man. And with Republicans, character DOES matter. This is a married man, not to mention he's no "spring chicken."

I just can't believe that Cain would have even RUN for president, knowing that he had these sexual harrassment charges with payoffs, and his 13-year affair with a woman that he was PAYING. Yack. He thinks he can buy women, and I guess he can and he has. I knew from looking at his family that something wasn't right. It was like a fake family. It was like he hired this nice-looking woman, Gloria, and these fresh-faced kids. They are legally his family, but it's obvious he wasn't home much, and doesn't seem to know them well. Sad...
And the woman he had the paid sex with? Why did she spill the beans? My first thought was that she was in love with him, and when he ended the affair before he entered the race, she felt rejected and decided to seek revenge. But the more I read about this, she didn't love him, she just wanted his money. She prostituted herself for the money, and she can now sell her story for money. She had to know that coming out would be the last nail in the coffin for Cain, and that she would end his race for President and damage (what's left) of his marriage. But she obviously didn't care. Prostitutes never do. They are in it for the money and nothing else. And she will get her 15 minutes of fame, but she will also lose what little respect she could command in this world. So, my question for Miss Ginger White is - I'm wondering if it was worth it, all things considered?
Why does Judas keep coming to my mind...