Monday, November 28, 2011

"What the world needs now, is love, sweet. love..."

In looking at today's headlines, it's real easy to get discouraged... I guess that's true every day. But 2 of the biggest stories are the man that had a heart attack at a Target during the Black Friday rush, and people just stepped over him. Finally a nurse gave the man CPR, but he died on his way to the hospital. Or how about the wife that knew her husband was molesting boys and did nothing. And ESPN knew about it but sat on the story for 9 years. Or how about Herman Cain having yet another woman saying she had an affair with him for 13 years....I could go on all night.

But here's the point I want to make. The more God is removed from our society, the more we will hear these types of stories. We took God and prayer out of the schools and the schools are failing miserably. We removed most censorship in media and have the most absolute lack of civility we have ever had.
And we can argue politics "til the cows come home" but until someone's heart is changed, they aren't going to change their minds. Conservatives are people of faith. Our actions stem from what we believe. All of us. If you believe in the Ten Commandments, then you believe that murder will send you to hell. And it causes you to have a fear of God. And when you love God with all of your heart, you want to please Him, as you would the love of your life.
When you don't believe in God, you don't fear eternal damnation, and you don't have a love for other people. The only way I can explain someone, lots of people, walking OVER someone in Target who has just had a heart attack, is someone with no soul. No love. No compassion. They have a black heart.
It used to be in this country that most people had faith but this is changing rapidly. And if we don't watch out, we will become like the French or even the Chinese. It is our faith that has made this country one of heroes - one of givers - and one of leaders.
This country and it's people need Jesus. He's the only one that can take a black heart and turn it pure as snow. For too long Christians have sat in the back seat in America. We have slowly allowed our freedoms to be taken away. In my small town we have an atheist mayor who wanted to remove the nativity scene from our downtown. It took a private group of 45 people to insist that we have one (as we always have) and it had to be from private donations. You have to start with the small battles.
When you read in 1st Corinthians, it says "the greatest of these is love." Without love, the rest of it is just stuff. We need to have love and we need to show love. We need to be unselfish and do the opposite of what the world tells us. The world says to look out for number one, but God says put someone else's needs before your own. He promises to take care of us. We don't have to worry. Start today. Do something nice for someone and not because there is an ulterior motive. Do it as a gift - a gift that doesn't have to be repaid. It starts with us, we CAN turn this nation around with God's help.
One person at a time...