Sunday, November 27, 2011

"It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you."

Just read that an 8 year old boy from Ohio has been taken away from his mother and put in foster care. Why, you ask? Because he is overweight... He weighs 215 lbs.

This makes me nauseous. Now we have the weight police taking children from mothers? The article says they want to hire a personal trainer to go to the foster home. Why couldn't it be to his mother's home and keep him with someone who loves him? The state agency says the mother isn't doing enough to control his weight. But the mother said she has worked hard to get her son to shed pounds. She just hasn't been able to get him to keep it off. His mother told the Plain Dealer newspaper, "Of course I love him. Of course I want him to lose weight. It's a lifestyle change, and they are trying to make it seem like I am not embracing that. It is very hard, but I am trying." And Arthur Caplan (a University of Pennsylvania ethicist) told the Plain Dealer, "A third of kids are fat. We aren't going to move them all to foster care. We can't afford it and I'm not sure there are enough foster parents to do it."
Wake up my friends, look what is happening...