Sunday, November 20, 2011

"The early bird gets the worm?"

Occupy Best Buy??
Just read that in St. Petersburg, Florida, there are 10 people who started a line for Best Buy's Black Friday specials two weeks early... They pitched a tent in front of the store and are waiting to be first ones in for the specials after Thanksgiving.

Can this be more irritating?? Shouldn't there be rules about this sort of thing? Shouldn't the store say the line can't start forming until 10:00 or 11:00 p.m. the night before?
As I recall, last year (or was it the year before?) in New York's poorer areas, a man was killed when he was trampled as the doors opened at a Wal-Mart. So really, are these deals worth lives? Are they even worth waiting in line for 2 weeks? Is this what our country has been reduced to?? Are we really that pathetic??
I think we already know the answer...