Monday, November 21, 2011

"Frogs and snails, and puppy dog tails..."

Call me old-fashioned, but I think a lot of women sports are making women much more masculine these days. Yes, I'm a Baby Boomer, and I know this current generation wasn't around to see what it was like 'back in the day' but I DO know that both of my daughters have hated sports for the most part. They liked to get the exercise and enjoyed getting to know other girls on the team better, but the non-stop competing wasn't appealing. Too, coaches act like, well, coaches - which can be really irritating. As a mother, I've tried to encourage more girly activities like dancing and cheerleading. But in our small town in Texas, as all other small towns in Texas, sports rules the schools. They could care less about academics, but will place all importance on all things sports, and of course, the most on football.

But as I look at Facebook posts of many of my daughter's friends, the sporty girls are looking (and acting) more like men. They are getting deeper voices, they act like men when they win and bump chests, and go around calling themselves "Beast..." Once again, it seems the pendulum has swung too far the other way with women.
I will never think it's okay for women to fight wars on the front lines. Or play high school (or older) football. Or to dress or act like a man. I find it sad that my 14 year old is afraid that when she grows up that half of eligible men will be gay, and the pool of available (straight) men will be very small to choose from.
Why has everything changed so quickly.....