Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"What's the difference between the U.S. and the Titanic?"

(The Titanic had a band...)
Why do I feel like I'm on the Titanic after it's hit the iceberg? I feel like I'm in the bottom of the boat with the dregs of society and can't get off, so will meet my Maker. Meanwhile the elite, like Michelle Obama, will get on a lifeboat and write a book about how terrible it was and make millions. It's in the news today that Michelle, who just got back from the vacation in Maine (not the Gulf, for the record) will travel with her oldest daughter to a trendy resort town in Spain. She's reserved THIRTY rooms for her entourage at the Ritz-Carlton, a five star hotel, of course. And, of course, WE will be paying for it, since she's finding time to briefly meet with the Queen of Spain (how convenient.) This will all be on King, I mean President, Obama's birthday, August 4th, which is odd, but whatever. He will probably do a guy's trip on our money to wherever liberals go. These people are unbelievable. We are in the worst economy in 70 years. We are in two wars. We still have a Gulf crisis. We are struggling as a country. And he's going all over the world apologizing for us. Well, the election is coming in less than 100 days. I just got an email last night that in the fine print of the healthcare bill (you know, the one they didn't even read) and it has a 3.5% tax when a home is sold that goes to go to the government. This will ensure that the housing market will never come back if we don't repeal this country-killer bill. My recommendation is... either fight for this country or get your passport.
We are in free fall...