Wednesday, July 28, 2010

"Grow old with me - the best is yet to be." - Robert Browning

Well, Chelsea Clinton is getting married this weekend.  We're hearing the wedding is costing $5 million... You know, I understand that she's their only child. And that Bill is a former president. And Hillary is  currently Secretary of State.... It's just that it all seems so hypocritical. Democrats always say that it's the Republicans that are the 'fat cats,' and that THEY are the champions for the working class. Yet it is the Democrats that have the lavish parties and weddings. I'm also noting, that if it were a Republican's daughter having this kind of wedding, the media would be all over it in a negative way. But they have always left Chelsea alone, unlike Sarah Palin's children. There is such a double standard with them.
But I do wish Chelsea and her fiance the best - she's had to put up with a lot of stress living life in the fishbowl with such high profile parents.