Monday, July 19, 2010

The Maine idea

Obama's vacationing in Maine..... with his family. I know. It's summer and he has children. And most families, that have the money, vacation in the summer. Of course I don't really have the money to take a fabulous vacation like Obama does, because of the state of the union that the liberal democrats have made a thousand times worse than what they inherited... (and keep on blaming Bush ad nauseum...)

Of course Obama told Americans to vacation on the Gulf coast to help the victims of the oil spill, so, "do what I say and not what I do?" UmmHmmm. Wouldn't it have really helped the Gulf coast if they had vacationed there, and the press have shown all the pretty sights, and that the ocean doesn't have oil on so much of the Gulf coast?? Wouldn't it have given HOPE - the thing he campaigned on!! - to the victims down here who are losing everything? They don't want a welfare check from BP! They want their way of life back. They want their fishing careers back. They want their seafood restaurants back. They want their tourism back.
But Obama is selfish. It's all about him and his entitlement. I read today this is his 7th vacation in a year. And, like most Democrats before him, uses the presidency to travel the world on our nickel. Oh wait. Our freaking $1000 dollar bill!!! What hypocrites... The Dems SAY they are the party of the working class, but then they live in wanton pleasure. The Clintons are planning a huge soiree for Chelsea, but the media is so up in their grill that we aren't hearing much about it. If a Republican was in office, it's all we would be hearing about. When Bush was president, he never played golf, knowing that our military was fighting in a war for our freedom. He showed respect. But this administration? They could care less. They disdain the military. And Obama? Well, he's constantly playing golf and throwing concerts for himself with people like Paul McCartney (who, by the way, insulted Bush at the concert.) What an ass. I can't stand Paul McCartney or any of the Beatles, and personally hold them responsible for helping usher in the whole drug culture, but I digress.....
This administration is a JOKE. An embarressment to the highest degree. And I'm going to say it until MY measley blog is pulled because they don't want any opposition out there. Of course when Bush was president, it was considered 'art' when there was an effigy of him hanging, but au contrare for this president! There's always a double standard with the conservatives and the liberals. They can do everything and we can do nothing. Wow, real fair. But then they don't want it fair. We currently have an administration, 'them' who is supposed to be 'us,' we the people, who is suing Arizona for trying to enforce the national law. How backasswards is THAT??! And, once again, all for politics. So they can buy the mexican vote and give amnesty to them so they will vote Democrat. Of course, the country will have gone to hell in a hand basket if that happens, because there is absolutely no way we can give them social security or hospitalization or whatever else citizenship imparts.
At least there are some standup women and a few standup guys who will stand for what's right. Sarah Palin has been vocal this week about not putting up a mosque on our sacred sight of where the Twin Towers were destroyed by jihadist muslims....
There is some hope in that...