Thursday, July 22, 2010

"Only a life lived for others is a life worth while." - Albert Einstein

Well, today I did an evaluation of my blog since no one is making any comments so I was wondering if my family was even reading this. I was told that they are reading it, but that it's too negative. Alex says she doesn't want to read about bullying. (I only repeated the subject because I got an anonymous reply about it the first time.) I was told that I sound like I'm venting in a journal. None of them really gave me any positive feedback. And I really love to write.

I wish I were more a positive person. Unfortunately I'm just not wired that way. Last week I tried very hard to not listen to the news and just watch inane comedies and listen to happy music. It just didn't work though... I've worked for newspapers all my life. I'm in the business of information. It's what I do. I have a comment about almost everything. I will counsel anyone at any time. I give my advice for free, (although I read once, that advice, like salt, should only be given when asked for.) I've been around the block a few times and didn't just fall off the turnip wagon (as we say here in Texas.) I can't NOT be involved. I'm not one of those people that just doesn't care. I feel like there are so many people that are on the wrong track, like I used to be, and I want to help. I know.... Sometimes they don't want help. Or at least, they haven't hit bottom yet. But they will. And I'll be here to help pick them up when they do.
And, in the mean time, I'm feeling very unfulfilled right now. My ranting helps give me purpose.
I want to count. I don't want to be just another cog in the wheel. God says He has a plan for each of us, a plan for welfare and not for calamity.
I seek it every day...