Thursday, July 15, 2010

Mad Mel.... Meltdown

Hmmm... I have now heard a whole lot more of the infamous Mel Gibson rant tapes, and it's much uglier than I had thought. I've been thinking about it a lot. Why? I don't know. Mel Gibson has actually been on my mind for over a year. I mean, so much so, that he's on my prayer list. That may sound stupid to you, but sometimes God will impress someone on my mind to pray for, and if I don't, I feel like I'm being disobedient. Anyway... it's between me and God.

But, I had been praying that he would return to his wife and family, and too I had a real bad feeling about this Oksana.... There are a lot of words about her type in the Bible, and it's pretty obvious what kind of woman she is. When I hear Mel, he sounds sooooooo at the end of his rope. Sooooooooo much like a man who's buttons have been pushed, so much so, that he's having a meltdown. And you cannot have THAT much emotion unless you had really cared for the other person, or else you would just walk away. They say the line between love and hate is very thin, because of all of the emotion. Wow... that probably hits the nail on the head on this one.
Does he say terrible things? Yes. Are they excusable? No. Is his career finished? Probably. Here's a man, who by his own confession, has been fighting his inner demons his entire adult life. He's battled alcoholism for years, and when he fell off the wagon a few years ago, he fell off in a big way, with his anti-Semite rant with a cop. He's never really recovered. He's kept drinking, left his wife and family, had a toxic relationship with a gold digger, and had his eighth child (that we know about!) She was obviously taping him. She knew he was drunk and completely pissed, and she hit the 'record' button. And they are edited, so she got what she wanted, edited them, and then (allegedly) released them, although she denies that.
Ironically, it was Mel Gibson that tried to help Britney Spears when she became a train wreck for the world to see. Many people wanted SOMEONE to help her, since none of us really could, and Mel stepped up. He probably knew he was one video away from being a train wreck himself. And voila, here it is. From past interviews, I know how much Mel valued his Catholicism and marriage. I think in his meltdown, he finally realized he had been deceived, and it hit him how much he had lost. He had left his wife of many years and 7 kids, the youngest of which is 12. He probably was drinking himself to death, thought his career was over, and really unhappy with himself in general. Oksana's timing was propitious. She fed his ego when he was at rock bottom, and was a distraction to his wallowing. And I'm guessing from his words, he has a sex addiction as well. Oksana was the devil in disguise. She knew how to play him like a fiddle, and then once she had the child, and all she could squeeze out of him, she was ready to move on. Femme Fatale. I read she grew up in poverty in Russia. She seems determined to never go back to that, but stepping on whomever she needs to.
I hope it all goes away soon. I hope she gets what she deserves. I hope they uncover her ulterior motives. And I hope Mel gets the help he needs to turn his life around.
It's hard to watch a train wreck...