Monday, July 12, 2010

"Conquering new frontiers..."

Well, today will be a short blog. Did you hear the one about NASA? Where the president of the United States told NASA (yes, that's right, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration) that one of their biggest concentrations will be to reach out to the Muslim world so that they will feel good about their contributions in math and science. Say what?! But no, I'm not joking. I'm serious. We have the president of the United States telling our prestigious space department to.... play politics??
HAS THE WHOLE WORLD GONE CRAZY???????!!!!!!!!! Give me a break. This is beyond embarressing. This is so over-the-top obvious politics that it's hard to believe. You know, we sat back in the election process and didn't say anything when Obama had attended a 'Christian' church that was really a front for an American hating group of people. We didn't say anything when he associated with a known terrorist, Bill Ayers. We didn't say anything when he couldn't show his birth certificate. We didn't say anything when he mistakenly said 56 states. We didn't say anything when he said we are no longer a Christian nation. We didn't say anything when his wife said the election was the first time she was proud of this nation. We have continued to look the other way, but it's time to SAY SOMETHING.