Thursday, January 31, 2013

"Always be a first rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else." - Judy Garland

Lately I've been on my soapbox about social media. Tonight I will continue... As you know if you are a regular reader, DD's boyfriend broke up with her at Thanksgiving. He had started a relationship with another girl who is obsessed with him before he broke up. She admits the obsession, has told everyone that, and seems, well, almost emotionally unstable (if you ask me.) She announced to the entire band at band camp in August that she was going to break up DD and boyfriend.  She violently pursued him - and she succeeded....
The creepy, sad thing to me is that she is now obsessed with DD. It seems that not only did she want to steal her boyfriend but she wants to steal DD's identity. She must have stalked DD's Facebook and Instagram photos, and is  now buying him matching t-shirts just like DD used to do. She makes him bracelets like DD did. And she Skypes with him and does the same poses. And now in her photos, is trying to morph into DD. She has a group of friends that do not know DD, yet asks them to try to friend her. One would think that all of the imitation would stop once she had gotten her guy, yet she continues to not only rub everything in DD's face, but is also trying to dress just like her and have her hair just like her, and even try to have her smile. You might think I am exaggerating but this girl a few months ago had a COMPLETELY different style, look,  hair, and was wild as the day is long. Now she's trying to look angelic and has not only stolen DD's guy, but her look as well. DD unfriended her on Facebook and blocked her on Instagram, but told me tonight that this girl has made another FB friend request to be her "friend"... And is using her best friend's password to watch her on Instagram. It's all very creepy.
I'm hoping it will pass...