Wednesday, January 30, 2013

No le hace...

After hearing Senator Marco Rubio on Rush's show yesterday, I got into a heated discussion with my (now) liberal leaning son. One point that Rubio made that I had not heard, nor had my son, was that Obamacare treats everyone whether they are a citizen or not. Rubio said, which is obvious but no one is talking about, that this will collapse our financial situation since it is already teetering at the edge of a cliff. My son said, so you are okay with stepping over dead bodies? I answered that the ILLEGAL people that are already here, we DO treat at the ER in an emergency but don't give them cancer treatments, for example.
At first my son was okay with Obamacare treating all equally, but when I told him that itwould send the entire freaking world across our borders if they were sick since they could get free healthcare. He then said he wasn't sure I had heard this correctly, and he would research it. That's what they all say I suppose, but Rubio is smack-dab in the middle of the immigration proposals, and would not lie, and especially to the biggest talk radio audience in the U.S.
This is what I've been saying all along. That we could tell the illegals that are here that they can stay, but we cannot give them amnesty, and thus SOCIAL SECURITY,  because we would immediately collapse our system. I do like the ideas that Rubio is offering, and he is in Florida around immigrants as we are in Texas (as a matter of fact, we now have more Hispanics in Texas than whites.) We deal with this every day here. We Texans are very sympathetic to humanity as we witness it daily. But if we have complete open borders, which is what this would, in essence, do, then we will become like them - desperate. Looking for a place to go where we can exist. I told my son, you have to remember, these people came over here ILLEGALLY and took that chance when they came. It doesn't mean we owe them healthcare. It's a really difficult thing to deal with.
But we must.