Tuesday, January 8, 2013

"The Hand That Rocks the Cradle..."

This may sound really elementary but hear me out... I'm going to give you my bottom line first. The loss of God and thus morals in our society is what is causing all of our problems and our descent into socialism. My guess is that it sort of started in the 80's. Yes, it was great. Reagan was president and all was well with our soul. But it was also known as the decade of greed. Feminism had taken hold and mothers were heading out of the home to go to work. We put ourselves first instead of others. Not every one, mind you, but we were going in the wrong direction. The kids we put in daycare are the generation we lost. Raised by caretakers instead of loving mothers (or loved ones) they learned to fin for themselves. There wasn't much time for church. Mothers were too tired on the weekends. I know, because I was one of them. Yet still being young, we took whatever energy we had, and poured it into having fun, because we were being told, "Carpe Diem" (or as they say now, "YOLO" or You Only Live Once.) That generation of kids were raised by the schools with their indoctrination such as worshipping the planet and everybody's a winner. Bosses at businesses back then used to care more about their employee's livelihood than they do now. Somewhere "the bottom line" became the most important thing. Workers became interchangeable instead of valuable. Gone are the days of working somewhere your entire life, and retiring in your fifties with a gold watch. And now we've gotten to the point that many cannot retire because their retirement fund has lost too much money, or they had to spend it to endure a bad spot, or they just never had it to begin with... At some point the "Have-nots" became jealous of the "Haves" because they thought they were being used and disrespected. The ones that have a Christian heart will forgive and pray about it, but the others? They are out for revenge. They want "blood" (some figuratively and some literally.) And they want payback. Many of the ethnic people are included in this group. They now feel entitled to welfare and freebies because they feel like they (or their ancestors) were done wrong. Sort of like how the African-Americans want to be paid back (literally) because of slavery. And of course we, as a society, decided that two wrongs would make a right and added affirmative action to atone for that sin.
But you have to think about this. If you're under the age of 50, you might not even see that this has been happening slowly. But somewhere over the course of the last 30 years, we have lost our way. We have lost our compass. We are not turning to God. We let the Godless people take over our infrastructure. They infiltrated the schools, and Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts and even churches. We let weirdos who worship aliens become a "church" and now we're even letting the atheists have a church (and consequently, a tax write off.) We didn't want to offend anyone, so "politically correct" became the norm and started us furthering our descent. Now the absurd is okay and the old norm is wrong. It's all back-asswards. Case in point, is the football game announcer Brent Musburger saying last night  how pretty the Alabama quarterback's girlfriend is (and being called creepy because he did) yet nasty D lister Kathy Griffin can (and did) simulate oral sex with Anderson Cooper on live coverage of New Year's Eve last week, and everyone laugh and let it go.
We've lost our way. We've lost God. We've lost a generation. And now it's mostly the older people who were raised right, who know right from wrong or have any sense of civility or decorum . Yes, there are many younger people who are on the right track.  But as the older folks are dying off, they are being replaced by many lost ones. Who worship zombies, aliens, vampires.
but not God...