Friday, February 1, 2013

"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound..."

Just a quick post because it's a Red Letter Day in my family. The preface to this story is that my grown son has been unemployed for a year and a half and my ex-husband was laid off from his job of 30 years last March. Both got jobs this week in Austin in the professions they were in and will not be underemployed!! And my grown daughter's husband (also in Austin) got a raise this week, which is also awesome, because with the expenses of their first baby, they have been really struggling.
Praise God!!! I have really buckled down lately on my prayers because my ex's unemployment was getting close to over, and it already was over for my son. And my son was truly at his wit's end. In my deep and earnest prayer today I reminded the Lord that He promised in His Word that He would not give us more than we could handle. I felt like my son was at that edge. It's a time for celebration in my family.