Wednesday, January 2, 2013

"You have to pass the bill to know what's in it." - Nancy Pelosi

Just read a headline, "Fiscal Cliff averted, $4 Trillion in Debt Added." Doesn't that just about say it all? And all of this went on while the "B Team" was on the television and radio and the A Team was vacationing.... Great. So, while you were in your Christmas holidays, spending time with extended family and trying to take a breather from your job and rest-of-the-year lives, your politicians dumped this on you. Look at it like a Friday news dump, but bigger and much more damaging.
I just find it all infuriating. I say we fire ALL of the Republicans that voted for this,  and hats off to those like Marco Rubio that did not. Oh, and did you hear that they got the bill so late that they didn't have time to read it?!? SOUND FAMILIAR?? Our political system is so entirely broken, that only a complete revamp will ever work again. My son-in-law had a funny idea. He said being a Congressman should be like jury duty. Every one that votes is in the running to be chosen to be a Congressman for a year, and would then set the law. I said what if they are an idiot? He thinks we couldn't do worse than what we have.
Hmmm, food for thought.
It wouldn't be any more of a joke than it's already become. I say that tongue-in-cheek since it's not funny at all, and these dire consequences will affect us all. We just got our paychecks today, and noticed that, thanks to Obamacare, our health insurance went up, and also Social Security deductions. My boss said they get changes on what the law is every two weeks and cannot even keep up with all of the changes. Who can? How is a small business supposed to keep trying to hang on AND follow all of these bazillion new laws?? When Obamacare passed, I reneged on a house I had under contract last summer, and evidently two others my realtor had did as well. My boss said at the time when it passed, that several business owners in that town were going to early retire than have to try to figure all of this out.
Sigh. It just keeps getting worse and worse...