Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Snarky Red Carpet Review of 2013 Golden Globes

This year my "fashion" review of the Golden Globes will be different. Partially because Alex has an infant under one year, so was not able to banter with me like we have done in the past. And partially because they won. Hollywood. Their guy won the last election and they are gloating. They go to their exclusive awards party, which they themselves call the biggest party of the year, and we have to be voyeurs, just watching them eat, drink and be merry. Oh and diss us. It's not quite as "in your face" as decades ago, because they figured out that most of middle America didn't like being given the middle finger by these "celebrities." Every year we have to see George Clooney and his smug face try to act like he's self-deprecating, when really, he thinks he's the coolest guy on the planet. It gets old.
The fashion was boring, just like these vapid actors. They all follow the leader, and few try to color outside of the lines. I guess it's why I really like Sienna Miller's dress because she's English and couldn't give a rip about what Americans think. Her outfit was a nod to the sixties and she had very minimal makeup on. Right on!

Then, there were the ones who all seemed to think alike, and did what their stylist told them was chic this year, so wore blush colored fishtail dresses. How original.
I guess if they were unusual, then I appreciated their courage to dare to be different, like Rachel Weisz, who did stand out as part of a movie star power couple in what I heard described as a "mullet" dress. She too is English, so maybe they are the ones who are fearless or just don't care about fitting in.
Then there were the bleh color (yet still the ever popular fishtail) dresses on pretty ladies like Taylor Swift and Naomi Watts. Wow. Even I could have been a better stylist than whoever was coaching them...
And then you have the just weird. Like Mayim Bialik, who looked like she was in a 70's prom dress... a very bad 70's prom dress, not the cool vintage kind:
Probably my favorite dress was Amanda Seyfried's Givenchy dress of gorgeous lace, yet it would have looked much better on a brunette, and somehow was not the best dress for her:
Alex's pick for Best Dressed was Jessica Alba, who had a favorite theme of others (strapless, fitted and fishtail), with the "Jessica Rabbit" look:
Sofia Vergara looked similar in black sparkle:
And then here's the real Jessica Rabbit:
Come to think of it, there were LOTS of women who walked the red carpet in this look but for some reason, my google account won't let me load any more photos...
So let me also add here that the Golden Globes was a lib's delight with Jodie Foster's "coming out" (like nobody knew?!?) and Argo and Homeland winning lots and the coup de gras - Bill Clinton surprising them, which made them all euphoric.
Yes, just another typical red carpet/awards show...