Monday, December 20, 2010

Where is George Bailey when you need him?

In order to understand the title of this piece, you need to have watched Frank Capra's "It's a Wonderful Life," which has now become a Christmas classic. In it you see George Bailey, played by Jimmy Stewart, be able to see the scenario if he was never born. It represents the "power of one" to me, which sometimes is all we really have.

We do have some exceptional conservatives on the "front lines" fighting the war against evil every day. And I'm sure it's not only exhausting, but dangerous in these days we live in. Because there are a lot of wacko's out there. People like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Laura Ingraham, and Ann Coulter. Those folks who have made it their life's calling to not be politically correct and tell it like it really is.
But there are not NEAR enough. Yes, the Tea Party started out of frustration of the government not representing we the people, but only the special interests. It's going to take a whole lot more. We've gone to sleep. We don't want to hear it. We want the insanity to stop. We want to celebrate Christmas. We want to go back to the pre-Obama days. We want to go back to the pre-recession days. And yet we have the most wicked people governing in my lifetime, and quite possibly ever in the United States.
We have a lame-duck group of legislators who, even though were defeated in the last election, keep sticking the middle finger to America and are continuing to pass the absolute most at the 11th hour until they no longer have carte blanche. AND WE ARE LETTING THEM. We are lazy and tired and spoiled. We are standing on the sidelines and we have given up. The debt is not creeping my fellow Americans. It's careening off a cliff. And the Chinese are buying our debt and we are letting these wicked, nasty, power-hungry, selfish dogs in our government sell us down the river.
The past two years, most Americans have stuck their heads in the sand. For whatever reason, they are not seeing that the America we grew up in is vanishing. Our freedoms are fading away, or should I say blowing away at gale force speed. Drastic measures will have to be taken but no one wants to do them. They will be forced upon us if we don't elect to do them, because ultimately you have to "pay the piper."
Maybe it's because the school systems are so dumbed down, that the young are too stupid to see. And maybe the Baby Boomers did not instill the values needed to their children. And maybe we've been such a rich nation that we're spoiled. And maybe since we haven't had a war on our soil in over 100 years, we don't understand freedom. And maybe in our effort to be tolerant, we became too tolerant of evil, and didn't stand up to it. And maybe the dominant mainstream media is winning their war of propaganda.
Why have we elected such evil people who's actions show they do not love America? Why did we not demand to see a birth certificate? Why did we allow a stimulus bill of a TRILLION to pass without being read? Why are we allowing our children to worship pop culture? Why did we allow abortion to be passed and to murder innocent children? Why did we allow prayer to be taken out of schools? Why have we not stood up to the movie industry and said no more trash? Why do we not stand up to the new incivility?
Well, I can tell you that this is how Germany became before Hitler took over. They became silent.
Take a personal stand. Each and every one of you. It starts with one.
Just do it.