Monday, December 6, 2010

Saving Mother Nature??

Media mogel Ted Turner is at a conference in Cancun saying that he purports a global one-child policy to save the planet... He said he thinks Obama made a huge mistake pushing healthcare over climate control legislation.

I'm reminded of a story about Ted Turner back in his CNN days. It was the beginning of lent, and some Catholic employees went to church at noon and returned to work with ash in their foreheads. He said religion is for losers and made them take it off. He had a pastor father, but turned his back on God a long time ago, and now, like others, makes climate control HIS religion.
Well, some day Ted will die and meet his Maker. And if he doesn't change, he'll probably shake his finger in God's face and say, "I don't believe in you!" And God will say, "EVERY knee shall bow, and EVERY tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord....