Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Favorite Christmas movies

Yes, I've been watching corny Hallmark made-for-television Christmas movies with B actors, and loving every minute of it. But then there are also the classics I love to watch every year:

1. "It's a Wonderful Life" - actually it's my all-time favorite movie, not just Christmas. It definitely shows the 'power of one' which is my mission. I've often thought that America these days is more like Potterville, and that we need more George Baileys to get us back to Bedford Falls.
2. "A Christmas Story" - I LOVE this! Who can't relate in some way to this retro look back?And so many great lines like, "You'll shoot your eye out!" We, of course, had to give my son when he was younger, a Red Ryder BB gun as the last gift one year. It's tradition! I even bought the leg lamp (since I too, am in sales) however Alex says it makes my living room look like a 'brothel.'
3. "Scrooged" - a modern take on Dickens "Christmas Carol." When this movie came out, I remember thinking how irreverent, and now in 2010, it has actually become this way in our every day life. Everyone needs to have the 3 ghosts come visit them, past, present and future, to show them the past (for perspective), the present for what they are doing wrong right now, and where it will get them in the future if they keep doing what they're doing.
4. "Miracle on 34th Street" - truly shows the magic of Christmas and that dreams do come true if you only believe. If you don't come away believing in Santa, you believe the earth is flat!
5. "White Christmas" - This one's great for the classic Bing Crosby songs - very feel good.
6. "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" - makes me laugh every time. We've all known a Mr. Griswold and his house of lights!
7. "Home Alone" - the first one. Get this just for the music, but also to get the feel of America pre-Obama before this depression/recession hit - back in the 'Good Old Days'...
8. "Polar Express" - Magical.
Ok, what are you waiting for?! There's only 10 more days til Christmas to watch them!


Anonymous said...

Yes when paired with a bright red crushed velvet sofa, the lamp is a bit brothel-esque.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha Ha!!