Wednesday, December 22, 2010

"Just another day in paradise..."

Well, the president went on vacation (again) today to Hawaii.... I want to go to Hawaii... I've ALWAYS wanted to go to Hawaii. As a matter of fact, when I imagine what I want heaven to look like, it's Hawaii. Even the name sounds cool....

I'm a beach girl. (Well, I'm still a girl in my mind any way.) When I was growing up, my parents had a vacation house on the Texas beach, and we went every weekend from Easter to Labor Day. It was my home away from home. I love the ocean - it soothes me and it is healing to my soul. I even love the sand, although I do prefer the big coarse sand since the Texas beach has teeny weeny grains that get everywhere, and it never comes out. Ever. And I love palm trees. All kinds of palm trees. They are definitely my favorite tree, because it's a happy 'tree.' It's a vacation tree. It's a good-time tree.
But no, I'll stay right here in Texas because my boss makes us work non-stop. We're not even getting off on Christmas eve, even though Christmas is on a weekend this year, so you would THINK that we would get off at least ONE day. We have to work all holidays if they are Mondays, so in case you're counting, that's Memorial Day, Labor Day, and sometimes the 4th of July. We have to work the day after Thanksgiving. We get one week off a year. Five business days. So for 3 years, I've had 2 weeks off... total. And I feel sorry for my youngest daughter that lives with me, because I have to work non-stop.
So forgive me if I'm dreaming of a Hawaiian holiday.
Mele Kilikimaka!