Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas 2010!

Well, it's Christmas night and the magic is over. The wonderful Christmas magic lasts from Christmas Eve about 4 pm to Christmas day about 4 pm. Have you ever noticed that? During that 24 hour period, there's a special magic - this supernatural wonderfulness that is in the air, and everyone is nice and happy and all is well with the world. Well, at least at our house anyway.

And today was no exception. We had a great time getting together and opening presents and eating and watching "Christmas Story" and "Scrooged" and later the Home and Garden network, so we could all critique the homes we'll never have. And then? Well, we all start picking up the mess and one by one we start filtering out, and another Christmas is in the books.
And so I say, Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!