Monday, December 27, 2010

"Just Do It"

Well, here we are in the holidays... Christmas is over, so we're looking ahead to the new year...

2011... Gosh, that sounds so futuristic when you're my age...
It's a new year, a reset button. Time to make improvements. Last year I didn't make any resolutions for the first time in my life. I don't know why. Just didn't want to...
But this year, it's nice to have goals and having a way to measure your success. So, here goes. Here are my 2011 New Year's resolutions:
1. Read the entire Bible in a year. (I've tried this before and failed, so will try again.)
2. Get down to a better weight and stay there. (Notice the word 'diet' is not in there, since diets do not work. It has to be a lifestyle change, or it all comes back anyway. I quit eating all sugar a few weeks ago, and have lost 3 lbs. just doing that and nothing else.)
3. Exercise (Obviously this goes with #2 but this is more for healthy reasons than weight loss.)
4. Start visualizing what I really want. Then making it happen. There are so many books that say this is possible. I believe it is with prayer, which is part of belief. When you can visualize it, you are believing it.
5. I've got to leave Texas on vacation. Wherever. It has GOT to be out of this state. Going to the Texas beach is not going to count...
6. To do what I love. Life is too short not to. Why stay in an abusive situation. I don't deserve that. No one does.
7. To be bold. I believe there are things that God wants me to be doing. And with Him, I will.
8. To be more giving. I want to, but am so limited by time. I've got to have better time management so I can make it happen.
9. To laugh more. Laughter IS the best medicine. Truly it is. So I've got to stop stressing, stop fearing, and stop being negative. God is in control. I've got to stop worrying.
10. To be a better writer. I write a lot, but I'm not spending enough time because I can do better.
I guess these aren't just for 2011, but for the rest of my life. But we have to measure in increments, right?
As Nike says, "Just Do It."