Thursday, December 9, 2010

There's an A.P.B. out for Barbie

Yes, that's right, an 'All Points Bulletin' out for Barbie... the doll that is. Evidently the FBI has issued a warning on the new Barbie doll that has a built in video camera. Seems that they fear predators will use the new doll for child pornography.

Doesn't that just sum it all up?!? Here we are at Christmas time, and Barbie Video Girl has been nominated for a 2011 Toy of the Year Award. And now we have to worry that some sicko will use it to steal the innocense of a child... I've heard in some third world countries, pedophiles always get the death penalty each time they commit this crime, and consequently there aren't many people doing these types of things.
Hmmm... seems like a good idea to me.