Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ho, Ho, Ho and a bottle of Tequila?

Just read on Drudge that 'pirates' on Falcon Lake (along the southern border of Texas) came over to an American couple from McAllen jetskiing, and shot the man, and then as his wife tried to help him, they shot her. She was able to get away but had to leave her husband... Why isn't this being reported any where else?

When I was young, my father took us to Falcon Lake on vacation. We used to often go with other families to the border, and go across into Mexico to the Cadillac Bar and shopping. What a shame that it's no longer possible...
With the terrible violence at the border by the Mexican drug cartels, it is no longer safe to cross the border, and it's coming farther into Texas as well. Within the past few weeks, gunshots were fired at a building at the University of Texas at El Paso. And it's just a matter of time, that it comes farther and farther north. These people think nothing of killing innocent people, and often for no reason at all.
If the Democrats grant amnesty, it will, in essence erase the southern border. It will give all illegals full rights of U.S. citizens, including social security, healthcare, education and.... wait for it.... voting (the real reason they want to do this.) And then the country will collapse financially, because we are already bankrupt now. In the mean time, the violence will flood our country, when anarchy begins.
Bienvenidos a Tejas! Cuidado......