Friday, October 1, 2010

"Five finger discount..."

Since today was payday, this morning I had called the bank to get my balance before my check was deposited. I called again later this morning and I was -$450! I panicked! I called my bank, and the customer service woman said, "Are you charging gas in Ohio right now?" I said, "NO!! I've never even BEEN to Ohio (I live in Texas.) She said, "Well, someone is currently using your card number and has charged $55.72 ten times this morning." AAAAAaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!! I pleaded with her to fix it now, but all she could do was cancel my card. She said since it's Visa, that the charges would go through and it would take 3 to 5 BUSINESS days to fix it. AAAAAaaaaaaaahhh!!

Someone stole my PREVIOUS debit number about 6 months ago, so I guess I'm going to have to pay cash for everything, since SOMEONE... SOMEWHERE... is taking my card number and keeps using it to buy gas.
Have I told you I DETEST thieves???!!!???
If these people are smart enough to do this, aren't they smart enough to get a LEGAL job???
I can only take comfort in knowing that God's revenge is much worse than mine...