Monday, September 20, 2010

Government Fun Facts of the Day......

Biden reminded us that he's second in line to be president..... ugh.
Hillary has a 'fun' new hairdo...

In the U.K. they are proposing that all paychecks go to the state first. Well, we all know, we're just a few short years behind England...

Today at Obama's Townhall meeting, his own voters asked him if the American Dream is dead for them and is THIS their new reality...

Government could seek foreign investors for GM.

Marijuana growers join the Teamster's Union...

France and Spain urge GLOBAL tax to fight poverty....

And Christine O'Donnell is being 'Sarah Palined' by the lamestream media. Today it's a comment she made a decade ago that she dabbled in witchcraft in college and didn't like it. No mention was made of Hillary having seances with Eleanor Roosevelt....