Sunday, September 26, 2010

Season Premiere Reviews

Well, it's been a break-neck pace week of Homecoming events every single night, but... I did tape a few shows to watch each night, so here's my critique.

Monday's "Hawaii Five-O" was probably my favorite new show of the week. It was fast-paced, showed the beautiful backdrop of Hawaii, and incorporated just enough of the old show to connect them.
Tuesday I taped both "NCIS" and "Glee," but was a little disappointed with both. NCIS just seems like they are tired and recycling old stuff, and Glee seemed to be trying too hard. I do love all the dance choreographed scenes, and they had some great new singing talent, but it was just too contrived...
Wednesday's "The Middle" was just solid good as they always are, showing how the working middle class survives the first week of school.
And Thursday's "The Mentalist" was not near as good as the shows last year. Of course, I think Simon Baker as Patrick Jane is gorgeous, but he was trying to be serious and brooding, as opposed to his devil-may-care attitude that he usually displays. So that one was disappointing as well.
I rounded it off with Friday's "Blue Bloods" with Tom Selleck. I will continue to watch it, but they had better make some immediate changes, or I don't think this one will make it. It has a schizophrenic story line, so they need to decide if they are a family drama or a police drama. They couldn't seem to make up their mind on the pilot show. Tom plays Frank Reagan, who's Harvard graduate son has decided to follow the family and graduates from the NYC police academy. Meanwhile a little girl has been abducted, and her diabetic condition hurries their efforts. This part of the plot is remedied half way through the show instead of at the end of the show, and then the lawyer sister is representing the older brother that bends the rules to solve the case. Huh? All stories need to have a strong finish, but this one did not. Oh, and Tom Selleck wasn't in enough scenes. He seems to have a few one-liners, but nothing substantial. That needs to change quickly.
All in all, it was better than average but not as strong as it should be.
Book 'em Dano, I'm tired!