Monday, September 27, 2010

"The hand that rocks the cradle..."

In an interview with Matt Lauer, the President says that he favors a 'longer school year.' Really?? Is that so parents will have even less time to spend with their children and the government can push their liberal agenda on these impressionable minds?? They already go to school 9 1/2 months and he wants more? Give me a break... Give THEM a break! Kids need time away from learning (and indoctrination.) They need time for vacations and camp and just playing - even if they have working parents - it still gives them a break from the school system.

I am sick of the government - which used to be US, but now it is THEM - trying to run our lives. Stop telling us what we can and can't do or eat or WHATEVER!! Stop cramping our style and limiting our freedoms. Get out of the way! Stop your power plays. Stop padding your friend's pocketbooks!
Just STOP!!