Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"Every breath is a choice."

Well, I just read a report that confirms what I've been saying. That Baby Boomers will have a high rate of suicide... This report said that middle-aged suicides are on the rise in the U.S. due to 'poor health and poor economy.' Thank you liberals.
And Baby Boomers are the least healthy middle-aged generation, with large rates of obesity and the diseases that result, such as diabetes and heart disease.
The risk of suicide was substantially larger for unmarried than for married people, with unmarried middle-aged men 3.5 times as likely to commit suicide as married middle-aged men.
This terrible economy is having consequences and they are not good. The president says he inherited all of this. Well, as I heard on Fox last night, one of the commentators said Obama was given a bad hand (of cards) and has played it terribly. Spot on. He has done the absolute opposite of what he should've done, and now this freight train is a bullet train to hell. It will take A LOT to stop this train, and then turn it around. And it will take discipline, something many Americans don't want. It's like losing weight. It's not fun and it's not easy...
In the mean time, reports like these are hard to hear...