Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"Satan is alive and well on planet earth."

As I read through the Drudge Report today, a headline caught my eye - "Student in bulletproof vest slashes dean's throat." It made my heart beat faster, since this seems like such a violent thing to do -- and painful. When I read the story tonight, the big elephant in the room was mentioned at the very end of the article.What set him off is the mention of the Florida pastor that was going to burn a Quran on 9-11 (which he subsequently chose not to follow through with.) This man, Breznik, wrote Monday on Facebook, "This is now a holy war. Scriptures have been desecrated. War U can't handle. Make a choice and quick."
So he chose a random authority figure and this is his payback to the country? What kind of terrible anger... the same as the young woman last week walking into Starbucks, and a twenty-something woman said, "Hey pretty girl" and then threw acid all over her face - another random person, who now will be scarred for the rest of her life...
What kind of demons do these people have??