Monday, April 22, 2013

Those who trade liberty for security have neither. - John Adams

There is so much happening at the government level, that it's hard to keep up with. Granted, I work a full-time job and am a single mother, so I try the best I can. What is always so obvious to me, is never to others... Like last Friday... when the government shut down the ENTIRE city of Boston!! A city of a million people. No buses. No cabs. No college classes. No nothing. Everyone was told to stay in their house. And then?? Martial law. People's houses were being searched without warrants. Those inside were scared and told to come out with their hands up.
Was I the only one bothered about this?!?
I've never seen this before in my life. Ever. To COMPLETELY SHUT DOWN A HUGE CITY??? Trying to catch one teenager?? Yes, I know that he committed an atrocity and yes, I wanted to get the bad guys too. But I've NEVER seen this sort of thing... And nothing is EVER this open and shut. All of those Bostonians were in the streets celebrating the end of terror in Boston... but I'm not so sure this is all there was to this. I see on obscure websites that someone is saying those two were double agents but ultimately sided with the radical Islamists?? I've seen pictures of military there with some saying it was a "False Flag", so was it a "come-to-life" Bourne Identity movie?? There is so much speculation, and I can see why. Something just doesn't smell right.... My gut feeling (and intelligence for that matter) says there is a LOT more to this story than we'll ever know.
All we can really do is vote people we trust as our leaders and leave it in their hands...