Thursday, April 18, 2013

"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil; God will not hold us guiltless." - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Like most Americans, I am on information overload. And as a Texan, our news is continuing with the horrific explosion in the town of West... While it IS encouraging seeing my fellow Texans unite to help these victims of the explosion, it is also overwhelming. And with television, radio, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the internet, it is wall-to-wall bad news and there is no escaping. I've already decided that I simply will not check social media tomorrow or watch any news program on television. My brain is saturated like a full sponge, and there is no more room for anything else.
And then I add my frustration to politics and it goes over the edge into overload. We have our president having a temper tantrum that he didn't get his way with the gun legislation bill. Wow. As Rush said, we've never seen him get THAT mad about much more important things, like Benghazi, for instance. And then there are all of these internet stories that the terrorist event in Boston was a "False Flag." I guess I'm not understanding the purpose of a False Flag in this case. They keep saying that the military or para-military carries out their "mission" and then finds a patsy to blame it on. But why?? What would be the point in the case of the Boston Marathon?? I heard that Sandy Hook was also a False Flag, and although I really have no idea, at least I could understand the evil purposes of pushing gun control. And whether Sandy Hook was a False Flag or not, the victim's parents have been used as props to try and pass gun control. It's too hard to imagine people evil enough to kill innocent children for "the greater good" (to them, not me) to push their evil agenda. One side note, is that Sandy Hook is an almost all-white school in an upper middle class neighborhood, so that would be the kind of school those types of evil people would target. But in the case of the Boston Marathon, what would be the point there? That we aren't safe and the government wants to watch us even further to "protect" us, but in actuality, we would lose more freedom??
I'm also disturbed tonight after reading some of the testimony of the Gosnell trial (see Michael Savage's Facebook link.) I seriously thought I was going to vomit. The nurse was saying babies came out alive all the time, and they pitched one in a toilet, and it was almost swimming in trying to survive. Or they would just grab them and "snip" their neck to kill them. OH MY GOD!!! The evil is just too much!! I think abortion is killing from the moment the egg and the sperm meet, but if the baby comes out alive, it's not what they are calling abortion any more. It's just murdering a breathing person.
I read a story the other day of this married woman in her early thirties who is suing the abortion clinic since her baby was born alive. And the baby girl is fine and she is raising her but doesn't DESERVE that baby or any other child. Her comment in the article said, "But I am still pro-choice." Really?? She is disgusting.
I don't know. It's just all too much....