Friday, April 12, 2013

"I'll Be Back..." - The Terminator

I just don't have a good feeling lately... I keep imagining the dramatic scene in The Terminator when they show the flashback of the kids swinging in the park and the nuclear bomb explodes and it all becomes an inferno. When I was young, it was just the USA and the Soviet Union that had nukes, and both knew that if the first country fired one, then the other would retaliate, and we would all die. But now we have these crazy hot-heads like Kim Jong Un and Ahmadinijad who are crazy enough to be like the martyr terrorists and take us all down. And everyone here in the U.S. keeps carrying on like everything is just fine. This country has been so dumbed down and so hypnotized, that they think we are immune. But we're not. And guess what? If you've ever studied Revelations, it talks about a third of the earth being destroyed in the End Times. Of course, we don't know WHICH part of the planet is the third, and are hoping it's not us. But it could be. The United States isn't mentioned in the End Times. I've heard people guess that either we are a) hit with a nuke and collapse or b) have a financial collapse and are not a world player. Either way, it doesn't look good for the USA. If you're a Christian who has studied what God says about it all, you know there is a "rapture" where the Bible mentions that God beams up His children at some point towards the end. They all argue if it's before the Tribulation, mid-Tribulation or even later. That, of course, is up to God. But there are several years called the Tribulation, and then Jesus comes back. It's been talked about for 2,000 years, so many are calloused to hearing about it. But all of the Biblical prophecies have already happened except the rebuilding of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem, and Israel already has the plans and it will happen at some point. And the Battle of Armageddon will happen in Israel as well. My entire life I have heard about all these things, and now they seem to be unfolding before my eyes. By all accounts, the Anti-Christ is already alive but has not been revealed. And a new Pope has just been selected, which also figures into the last days.
I find myself not knowing how to plan. For example, I need a lot of dental work evidently since I fractured a molar by clinching my teeth nightly, waking up to a locked jaw. My dentist said they can do a root canal and buy me time (about 2 years) or pull the tooth and get an implant (much more expensive.) I am going with the root canal figuring we can die at any moment. I'm talking to my children about the future, yet not knowing if there will be one. I'm praying constantly and asking God to have mercy... on this country... on this planet... and spare us as He asked Lot before He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah... I'm just not sure how much time we have left. If you're a Christian, it's time to pray. If you're not,
you had better do some soul-searching....