Monday, April 15, 2013

Patriot Day in Boston

I'm angry... I'm angry that this is the new norm. I'm angry that ABC aired "Dancing With the Stars" and "Castle" and "Jimmy Kimmel Live" with total disregard to this horrific terrorist attack....
Today I woke up with a bad feeling. I told myself that it was because it's the Tax deadline and the anniversary of the Titanic sinking. But I couldn't shake the feeling. I made sales calls but everyone seemed like zombies, and this is before we heard about the bombs. When the news came over my phone about "explosions in Boston," I just knew it was a terror attack. In the very beginning of the news coverage, the announcers said they didn't know if it was just a gas explosion. I was at work by that time, and said aloud to my coworkers, "Those dumbasses... there were two bombs at the finish line of the Boston Marathon... I am SURE that is no coincidence..." My coworkers just rolled their eyes, like I'm some conservative zealot. A few hours later, the truth came out and now everyone is gnashing teeth.
Personally, I want my country back. I want to bring sanity back. I want things to go back to how they were a few years ago when everything wasn't "opposite day." I want to restore the USA to our glory days when good people were the leaders, and not this regime who does things like send millions of dollars, and artillery and ammo to the SAME people who evidently did this today. Because they hate us. They don't know us, but they hate us. Maybe it's jealousy over money. Maybe it's brainwashing from their religion to hate infidels. But I DO know it's the spirit of the Anti-Christ that Jesus mentioned would happen in the end days. I do know they hate Christians and freedom, which always go together.
Tonight, just like with September 11, 2001, we will all hug our loved ones a little bit tighter. And hopefully resolve that we will vote righteous leaders in charge again of this country that there is still hope for.
Who's with me??