Monday, April 8, 2013

"Haters Gonna Hate"

Is THIS what we've come to?? Pastor Rick Warren's son commits suicide and the haters are spewing their venom about this. Evidently Rick Warren came out against same-sex marriage, and the gays are celebrating his son's death. It is beyond disgusting.
And today we hear that Margaret Thatcher has passed, and the haters are just as vile about her. She has always been such a wonderful role model for me -- as a Baby Boomer female, I always had trouble finding a woman that I wanted to model myself after. Sadly in public schools, they never pick someone like the former prime minister for young girls to write papers on... No,  it's always Hillary Clinton or fill-in-the-blank women's libber that they learn about.
But I digress.
My brother and I had a long conversation about our country's 'state of the union' today. We blame the mainstream media.
They must be stopped...