Monday, April 29, 2013

"Just Say No..."

Just read that New York City middle schools are going to lengthen the school day to 6:00 p.m.
Does anybody else find that totally depressing???
These liberals really DO believe that our children aren't really ours. They CLEARLY want to raise them. They want to send them home at 6:00 p.m., eat, and go to bed?? What about extracurricular things like dance, music lessons or sports?? Or how about friends? Or birthday parties?
It's just disgusting.
Are the NYC parents going to protest at all?? Are they going to just go along with this?? What if the working mom gets off at 4 p.m.? Does she have to wait at the school? Go home and come back? In NYC?? What if it's a stay-at-home mom? ( I realize those are dinosaurs now, but there HAVE to be some.)  That's my perfect segue into something else I read today - that the prez is totally against homeschooling.
Of COURSE he is....