Thursday, February 14, 2013

"Are you Annie?"

Well here it is - Valentine's Day - and all I can think of is the Empire State Building in NYC... You know these chic flics set up these expectations that we want fulfilled!! It started with "An Affair to Remember" with Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr who meet on a ship, while traveling across the Atlantic Ocean. Both engaged to other people, say goodbye, but agree to meet atop the Empire State Building in six months if their feelings remain the same. And then, of course, the follow up chic flic, "Sleepless in Seattle" with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan, where 'Annie' writes a letter to 'Sam' to meet her on top of the Empire State Building on Valentine's Day.
That sounds soooooo romantic. And having watched these movies my entire adult life, New York City was a gazillion times better than I had ever imagined. Again, it is so surreal to see the scenes I've seen for years and years. It's like they were movie sets in my head, and then, there they were!  In the 'City that never sleeps.' I think the only thing that I would change, which I cannot, is that I would love to have seen NYC decades ago, when everyone dressed up more and it would've looked more sophisticated. All I saw anyone in was black, and no one ever looked too dressed up.
It was still a great day. As I made my sales calls, I gave Hershey kisses to all of my clients, and they all seemed genuinely appreciative. And DD's high school does Valentine's right, and each kid gets a heart that they have to 'give away' when they talk to someone of the opposite sex, so it evidently made for great fun. Too, some of the clubs sold pre-ordered flowers, so it was a fun holiday feel.
Still wish I was in NYC though...