Wednesday, February 13, 2013

"Every liberal and leftist knows how to titter at such black-and-white moral absolutism." - Christopher Hitchens

My dad was a black and white guy -- good guys and bad guys, right and wrong, you're in or you're out,  do it or don't do it. There was no "gray" with him. And THAT'S what's wrong with Western civilization now. We've made everything "gray." What made me think about this is the Chris Dormer, former Los Angeles police officer, who has gone off the rails and started a killing spree. And then we hear about the people who feel sorry for him, and say that he was the victim of racism, and he actually had started making fans. Dormer fell into the liberal trap of 'victim' and then thought he was justified to go out and seek revenge on his (at least in his mind) perpetrators. Here was a man, who also was previously in the military, (who has been taught to follow the LAW, and then let the judicial system take it's course) yet decided to take 'justice' into his own hands.
The fact remains that we have laws. And one of them is that you cannot murder people. And it is not a 'gray' area. One is NEVER justified to go out and start killing people, no matter how angry they are. And it highlights how far off the course this country has gotten when people don't understand right and wrong any more. Laws were created for those that don't follow right and wrong. And we base laws on our moral beliefs, which in the West, is on the ten commandments in the Bible. "Thou shall not kill" is the sixth of the ten commandments that God gave Moses up on Mount Sinai. But this country has taken God and prayer out of schools, and allowed everything else to take it's place.
So you can feel as sorry as you want for Chris Dormer, and you can believe his story that he was misunderstood or taken advantage of or was a victim of racism, BUT IT NEVER GAVE HIM THE RIGHT TO START KILLING. EVER.
Where is John Wayne when you need him...