Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Life is Good

Whew.... I haven't posted for days because DD put off her (high school) AP World History project that she has known about for a MONTH that was due TODAY until this weekend... It took her (us) all day Saturday, Sunday and Monday (well technically today since it was 2:00 am when she finished) to get it done. Well, okay, I didn't actually DO the report, but I had to drive her to get the stuff in San Antonio (and spend $100 on all that junk) and drive her to the library in a neighboring town TWICE because our library is always closed and has very little in it and mean crotchety old people who act like the Gestapo. I helped her with the ideas, sort of, although she is very creative. And since she is now sick from burning the candle at both ends, I've given her Ibuprofen and EmergenCe to prop her up to get it finished.
And in case you're wondering, here are the 3 "artifacts," in addition to the long, tedious, detailed report, she made: a Grecian theater mask, the Holy Grail, and an elephant tusk from warring elephants in India.
Oh, and she has to cheer tonight at a basketball playoff game in a neighboring town. But I'm not complaining.
Life is good.
