Thursday, November 8, 2012

When in Rome...

‎"Do not blame Caesar, blame the people of Rome who have so enthusiastically acclaimed and adored him and rejoiced in their loss of freedom and danced in his path and gave him triumphal processions. Blame the people who hail him when he speaks in the Forum of the 'new, wonderful, good society' which shall now be Rome's, interpreted to mean: more money, more ease more security, more living fatly at the expense of the industrious." Marcus Tullius Cicero (2,000 years ago)

Yesterday as I made my sales calls, every business owner and I were lamenting on the re-election that seemed so crystal clear. I also noticed that the employees of 'color' sat in silence. You can certainly tell which ones voted Obama, and it did seem to follow the usual stereotypes. What is the most irritating is that these people do not follow politics - they even TELL me that they get their 'news,' their REAL news, from Jon Stewart (and they say it with a straight face.) I guess it's why Obama went on all the talk shows like Letterman, Leno and The View because that's all the younger people watch. I actually think Republicans lost with the twenty and thirty-somethings. 
My grown daughter in Austin works at a small business of women employees in their thirties, and my daughter is the only one that voted Romney. Granted it IS Austin, the bastion of liberals in Texas, but her co-workers also don't follow the news and thought that Romney would take away their 'women's rights.' WTH is THAT?!? Those of us in the know, know that Romney never could have stopped abortion (or birth control pills) BY LAW - it would have to go to the supreme court again. But it always goes back to educating the masses and who does that?!? Why the mainstream media of course. And they pick the topics, they omit important information, and they lie.  Too schools are failing at getting the truth out, or should I just say failing in general, so you can see we are screwed. 
My grown son, also in Austin, voted for Obama... I just can't believe that 'the hand that rocked the cradle' has a son, a very intelligent son, who voted for him. When I bring up abortion, he says he personally is against abortion. I bring up that the Democrats wanted God out of their platform and actually boo'd God and he responds with silence. He, like most Obama voters, was a one-issue voter. For him, he has bought the BS about healthcare that the Dems are selling. Since he has been unemployed for over a year and is not insured, he thinks that the Dems will get him wonderful healthcare for free. Yeah, it will be like the DMV when you wait 3 hours to get your drivers license...
Evidently Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett said 2 things that should haunt us all - one, that after they were re-elected, that they would punish those that disagree with them and two, that this was the last election the United States would have...