Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Going to hell in a handbasket...

Sigh.... I'm wearing black today in mourning. I'm not kidding. I really am grieving. I can't imagine that we have another four long years under this same administration. It really IS a referendum. Just not for my team. Even Allen West and Mia Love lost... Two African-Americans that are on the right track. And marijuana legalization passed. And same-sex marriage in two areas.
At my office, and even in this town, it is predominantly conservative, so most people here in Texas are just shaking their heads. Some like me are saying to secede. I'm a fifth generation Texan on both sides. And my mother's side fought for the Republic of Texas in the early 1800's. And we're a hearty group of people that are fighters. The current president has made it clear he hates Texas or helping us in any way. That's okay, we don't want his help. We want him to get out of the way. I can't believe there are so many stupid people in America. I guess the dumbing down and the amnesty and the union 'marriage' and the worshipping of Hollywood/media has all worked. Guess they will continue to do what they've been doing, just on a much larger scale. That's what worries me.
Is it time to leave the country? Aren't we heading for a huge collapse? How does a middle class person who is paycheck to paycheck supposed to survive? We've been given lots of warnings. If God judged Sodom and Gomorrah, He will certainly judge the United States of America.
WTH are we supposed to do?!?