Tuesday, November 6, 2012

2nd place isn't worth it...

It's been a long several days... I'm a single mother, a baby boomer, with 3 children - 2 are grown and 1 is a 15 year old. Here are my random thoughts...
Evidently the media is really whitewashing the Hurricane Sandy aftermath. So I admit it - I was wrong. I thought they would report on it incessantly since they live there, but no... they are in the bag for Obama and don't want it to look like he's not taking care of things. So it's MUCH, MUCH worse than we are hearing. Oddly, I am seeing this on Instagram since I 'follow' several photographers in NYC, and their photos and comments are so sad. It's terribly worse than Katrina - all that flooding and wind and then fire. What a mess. And then you add ALL those people... And you add that it's starting to get cold up there. At least in the South, it's warm and you don't have to deal with that. It's always gorgeous after the hurricane leaves. Now they have a Nor-easter coming. I wish I had money to send to them...
Next random thought: today is Election day. Finally... My prayer is that Romney will win in a landslide so that we won't be like the election in 2000 and hang in the balance for weeks (or longer) with lawsuits and bickering and stress. And we ALL know there is much less civility than there was 12 years ago, so there's that... This election has the same feel as 2000, in that it feels like a spiritual battle in the heavenlies of good vs. evil. And if Obama is elected, then it's a quick descent into complete loss of freedom as we know it.
And finally,  yesterday DD went to watch our high school band compete for State. I let her go and miss school, since it was such a 'red letter day' for her boyfriend, who is captain of the drumline. She left on the bus at 6:30 am and returned at midnight. Everyone was sure they would win first since they are that good, so DD wanted to be there for the huge celebration. But alas, they were named 2nd by ONE POINT. And even that was because one judge gave them the lowest score you can get, which averaged all their high scores down. Evidently the band that got #1 wasn't even good, and DIDN'T EVEN PLAY while they marched?! Aaahh, politics. Hard lesson. Lots of crying. I told DD it's harder to win second place than third because you're like Miss America runner up - so close...
She came home and sobbed for hours because her boyfriend acted as though he really didn't want her there. It embarressed her and she felt pathetic. Feelings no one ever wants to feel, much less a high schooler.
I'm tired...