Sunday, November 25, 2012

"Sometimes you have to give up on people - not because you don't care, but because they don't."

Ughhhh... this has been the longest five days I've had in a LONG time.... Were there good moments? Of course, but when DD's boyfriend broke up with her on Monday night, well, she has been crying ever since. It was so abrupt. It was her first love. He was affectionate up until Monday night. But evidently the rumors she heard are true. He's already moved on. And in this small town, you run into everyone all the time and you know everybody's business. And I mean EVERYBODY. Even the parents all know who has broken up and why, partly because we are all on Facebook with our children, and partly because the second largest employer in the town is the public school system, so the teachers (who also have children at the school) know what's going on. Clearly her boyfriend had already moved on over a month ago, but didn't have the decency to finish my daughter's relationship before starting a new one. So, not only does she have a broken heart to lose her first love, but has to deal with the fact that he feels no remorse, and is already seeing someone new in less than a week. That's a lot to deal with on your first boyfriend. And (sigh) I'm hoping it doesn't set up trust issues for the future.
I'm completely mad at myself for not seeing this boy for who he is. I'm usually a very good judge of character and I'm in sales, so can always read someone pretty well. The only 'red flag' I knew of in the beginning, was that his previous girlfriend was/is very wild, and they broke up 2 weeks before he started texting DD. I should have seen it coming. Meanwhile my daughter was blindsighted and is devastated. You can't ever let your guard down.