Sunday, November 11, 2012

"Make Hay while the sun shines..."

It was good to go to church this morning with like-minded people. Everyone at my church was in mourning over the election and still well, sort of in shock. Most of us thought that our guy was going to win, and really, he should have. Everyone was thinking the same thing... four more years of this? How will we do it?? It was at least refreshing to see so many people that thought the exact same thing. A few people got up to say that God had told them to stop being in mourning and get out there and tell people about Him. Then my pastor relayed that he too had been down, and God told him that it's "harvest time." That we are indeed in the end times, and it's time to get busy. God is still in control and He's on the throne and He's still the King of Kings. 

It might be worth repeating that this past summer Hal Lindsay (has written many Christian books like, "Satan is Alive and well on Planet Earth" and can be seen often on Christian television) was in my biggest advertising account, a car dealership here in the Texas hill country. The salesman (who I know) asked him what brought him to visit this area. He said the Lord directed him that there will be a financial collapse in the United States but that "this area would be okay." He sold his house in California and has a television studio in San Antonio, and evidently lives in this area. 
I mention this because our only chance at avoiding a collapse was a fiscally conservative president and Congress. But with the re-election of this socialist administration, it will keep descending until we collapse. All economists concur - it will happen. It's just a question of when. 
As a born-again Christian, I know that God will be true to His word and meet His children's needs. "For my God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." And that's a good thing because I don't even know how to prepare for a collapse. I know I am supposed to live by faith and not fear. And life isn't like it was when I was growing up, and I guess never will be again, in my lifetime anyway. I'm hoping this will encourage you and not depress you. I am an honest person, and try to tell it like it is. I don't tell people what they want to hear, I tell them the truth so they won't be shocked later when it happens. They will be prepared, at least mentally anyway. So to recap, don't be in mourning - get out there and "make hay while the sun shines." 
Tell people that Jesus saves because He does...